Divorce Asset Forensic Analysis and Asset Valuation

Power Forensics, Uncategorized

Divorce cases involving complex financial portfolios can present numerous problems such as:

  • valuation of business operations including the analysis of complex financial statements
  • determining the value of privately held stock and other investments
  • current tax implications and future tax benefits/detriments
  • evidence containing misrepresentations or fraud 
  • hidden assets and liabilities
  • determining the “true income” and related cash flow of each party
  • reviewing adherence to court ordered financial arrangements

The ability to use a financial expert in both analysis and testimony can have a very beneficial impact on determining and communicating case points to both judge and jury.

I have been able to use my experience base to complete valuations of marital assets such as trucking operation, martial arts enterprise, global welding operation, commercial real estate holdings, and a surveying practice.  I have also found “hidden assets” from detailed analysis of financial statements provided as well as other sources of revenue undisclosed by opposing counsel.